AgWare Chattel

The Chattel on-line workstation was designed for consistent and time-efficient reporting.   

Either I-pads or smart phones sync with your desktop and allow more than one entry individuals in-the-field.

AgWare's Chattel Software

Primary Components

  1. Main Computer (laptop or Desktop)
  2. Secure Web Server
  3. Mobile Device (Smart Phone, Tablet, Laptop, etc.)
  4. AgWare's Chattel Program
  5. Chattel InventoryCollection Software
    •      Subject Information
    •      Equipment
    •      Commodities
    •      Other

Brief Program Overview

AgWare’s Chattel program is a web-based system focusing on 

  1. Subject Information, and
  2. Subject Valuation and consistent reporting

Once the Subject Information is initially completed (Name, Location, Equipment, Commodities, Other, Notes, and Attachments), it is downloaded to the user's Mobile Device, field inspection notes, and pictures or maps are then uploaded to the user's Main Computer for finalization and valuation. Multiple mobile devices are supported (iOS for now) in the field with no required internet (operates totally offline)

Data collected is hosted on a company or individual server